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what scope is best out of these three


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I have the Nighteater and rate it. (My other scopes are Zeiss Conquests.) While the Nighteater isn't in the same league as the Conquests, it's still a decent scope for the money, esp if you can buy one second hand. And I'd put the Hawke second. In fact, almost the exact opposite of Sweet169!


But please, before you buy, look through them, preferably if you can see at least 2 at the same time. I've been throught a lot of scopes in my time and my favourites are not my mate's favourites. They are very individual depending on one's eyes. And Gary C, owner of MTC would say the same about trying them for yourself.


However, not sure you need to go up to 24mag for a rimmie. I think 16x is sufficient for most rimmie work (IMHO) and there's less chance of zoom shift with a more modest zoom range in any case, and especially with a 'budget' scope.

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