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choke stuck


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I had a piece of shot wedged behind choke,that was proper stuck got it out but destroyed the threads on barrel, trip to a gunsmith is now called for, go careful getting it out I would play safe and give it to a man that can if it's an expensive gun .


How did you get shot wedged behind the choke?

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  • 3 months later...

Just to add another method, as I found this entry while searching for solutions.... gentle tapping the choke wrench with a hammer rather than trying to twist it worked for me. The problem of trying to twist the wrench with molegrips etc is that they pop out the groves and damage the groves they sit in. After trying various methods I found this worked well.


Removed barrels and paced on a folded towel on floor. This protected barrels and lifted them a few mm from the floor, Placed knee on barrels to stop them twisting. Inserted choke wrench and pushed tightly in place whilst tapping round with hammer. Couple of taps and then free. Recommend this rather than trying to "gentle twist".

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