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Help with ducks feather pecking

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Ah yeah thats a good idea. Just some stuff for em to do and play on. Yeah got a few troughs dug into ground. Yeah i'll think until they are more feathered because I'm a bit worried about em sinking with not much on their backs !! And i spread some straw about like u do for pheasants and fed it just to keep em busy.

Would you advice that anti peck spray ? I used to use it for piglets for anti biting and it worked well but wondered about the pheasants...

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Anti peck spray is for like dogs and cats that have a completely different sense of taste than birds. Birds have very few taste receptors, they relie on vision. No one really thinks about this when they are spending £100s pounds on aniseed for pheasants- doh!! They will do better on the ponds, sure they will be fine! Cheers

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anti peck spray is for like dogs and cats that have a completely different sense of taste than birds. Birds have very few taste receptors, they relie on vision. No one really thinks about this when they are spending £100s pounds on aniseed for pheasants- doh!! They will do better on the ponds, sure they will be fine! Cheers

Anti peck spray works for chickens, can't comment on ducks as I haven't tried.

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