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“There is only once credible force for change and that’s Fathers 4 Justice.â€

Michael Cox, Barrister


Fathers 4 Justice is delighted to announce the launch of it’s first ‘one-stop-shop’ web site at www.fathers-4-justice.org where supporters from across the world can join our on-line community.


Supporters can now also purchase items from newly designed merchandise range from anywhere in the world using the official Fathers 4 Justice on-line shop and access every document they need for information and advice on Divorce and Contact Disputes in the UK. Tailored documents for the United States and other countries will follow in mid 2007.



Get the Look For 2007 – Last ordering day to guarantee delivery before Xmas is Wednesday, 13th December 2006*

When you shop at the only official Fathers 4 Justice on-line store in the world, you directly support the work of Fathers 4 Justice in promoting open justice and shared parenting for all parents, grandparents, children and families across the globe.


*Applies to UK only. Remember, you can shop from anywhere in the world but we can’t guarantee deliveries outside of the UK before Christmas 2006.



How do I become a supporter of Fathers 4 Justice?

For just one £30 donation and registration fee – the fraction of an hours cost with your solicitor – you can join our on-line community at our forum where you can get help and advice from other members. You can do this from anywhere in the world. You will also be able to:


*Receive our “Frequently Asked Questions†Document which gives comprehensive information about your divorce/separation and contact disputes and links to important court forms.


*Receive our “Family Justice On Trial†Document which gives you vital facts and information about contact disputes and the CSA


*Receive our “Blueprint For Family Law In The 21st Century†Document which outlines our vision for Family Law Reform


These documents will give you everything you need to know about divorce and contact disputes.



Where can I get help, advice and support?

Considerable support, help and advice is available on our forum from seasoned veteran’s on our on-line community. Whatever your question, we should be able to answer it.



How To help Us Campaign

Fathers 4 Justice is a pro-active campaigning organisation. Every supporter is expected to campaign either by lobbying their local MP, ideally face to face at their surgeries with other family members, asking for the support of their local religious community or by attending the national demonstration in London on Friday 15th June 2007.


Those wishing to be considered for the position of local co-ordinators or become activists can apply to office@fathers-4-justice.org



Fathers 4 Justice Day – London, Friday 15th June 2007

On Friday 15th June 2007, F4J will hold "Fathers 4 Justice Day." The event, which will have been six-months in the planning, will be the largest demonstration organised by the group and will be backed by a comprehensive PR campaign. F4J say that the demo will embrace the usual theatricality with a radical theme and unexpected twist.



Save Yourself Solicitor’s Fees! Donate & Join Now

Don’t leave it until it’s too late – we might not be able to help you. If you are likely to get divorced or separated from your partner in the near future and children are involved, we strongly recommend you join Fathers 4 Justice or another support group, although advice can vary.


Remember, other people on our forum are in a similar situation to you and can give hands on, honest advice.


Our documents are also invaluable in assisting you make the right decisions about how to handle separation and ensure your children maintain regular parenting time with both parents. You can register to become a supporter at www.fathers-4-justice.org



What if I want to join from the United States?

Fathers 4 Justice first started it’s campaign in the United States when it was featured on the cover of the New York Times Magazine (see 2005 press archive) in May 2005. Since then it has been working on a major launch which is currently scheduled for Autumn 2007. F4J will piggyback the launch of several media projects we are currently working on in the US and UK for maximum PR coverage.


The official site for Fathers 4 Justice in the USA is www.fathers-4-justice-usa.org


If you’d like to register to become a supporter please visit our Support & Donate page. To be considered as a co-ordinator, media spokesperson or activist in the United States, please email office@fathers-4-justice.org


All applicants will be subject to our normal vetting procedures. Please note that there are various copycat groups operating in the US which are in no way connected with the official international organisation.



What if I want to join from the Canada, Australia, the Netherlands or another country?

Anyone can join Fathers 4 Justice from anywhere in the world, although English is the common language used on the forum and web site. F4J has an established, thriving group in the Netherlands (see our links and International page on our web site) but is also establishing new groups and co-ordinators in Canada and Australia.


If you’d like to be considered as a co-ordinator in one of these countries please email office@fathers-4-justice.org


All applicants will be subject to our normal vetting procedures.



Shaping the future of Family Law

Said F4J Founder Matt O’Connor, “The campaign group I started in 2002 has been much imitated across the globe, but never equaled. That doesn’t mean we mustn't move forward and reinvent ourselves.â€


“With the UK government currently considering the opening up of the family courts in the face of considerable resistance from the Judiciary, Barristers & Solicitors, Fathers 4 Justice must exploit this opportunity to maximise our potential, not just in this country but right across the first world where the universal blight of injustice in family law exists.â€


“Our new web site and “Fathers 4 Justice Day†protest in London, June 2007 signals a renewed determination to finish what we have started but we can only do this with your help and support.â€


“Without your donations F4J simply wouldn’t exist. Our costs are considerable from funding the development of the new site to organising demonstrations. Donate what you can and give us the tools to take on the Judiciary, the Government and the Family Courts. This Herculean struggle has taken us longer than any of us envisaged, but we are moving forward and establishing new front lines in our war against inequality. We must sustain this momentum if we are to achieve our objectives.â€


“Your feedback is also invaluable to helping us improve our range of services. If you’d like to comment on the new web site, F4J shop or suggest any ideas, please email office@fathers-4-justice.org.â€


Yours faithfully




Matt O’Connor

Founder, Fathers 4 Justice



Latest News



The Sun Newspaper, Santa dad: Judge pointed gun


A JUDGE confronted a Fathers 4 Justice protester with a shotgun yesterday after the activist climbed onto his roof dressed as Santa.


His Honour Judge David Tyzack grabbed his weapon when Jonathan Stanesby climbed on to his £1million mansion with a banner declaring: "Put the Father back into Xmas!" Stanesby, 37, claimed the judge - who has refused him access to his daughter - pointed the gun at him and demanded to know what he was doing. But the 60-year-old judge denied aiming at the dad.


For more about this story and further press coverage visit our Press Archive at www.fathers-4-justice.org


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