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Storm laying crops in your area?


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As most of us seemed to kop for most of what mother nature could throw at us last night/morning has anyone been out for a look round today? I have a lot of wheat and barley and the birds were just starting to show an interest before today but none of it waslaid so difficult to shoot it. I will be out later to see if the downpour has flattened any areas that i could shoot.


Will anyone be shooting any laid wheat/barley after last nights storm?



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I wish I was shooting over laid corn!! These new short-straw crops don't get laid easily, I've been looking all day - nothing despite the storms. Pigeons are still feeding on wheat, they "helicopter" down into a wheel track and pull a stalk with them. Unfortunately, they can do this almost anywhere, you need to find a field they have got into the habit of visiting and get them there.

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