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Saturday ....slow day


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Well I had the whole day to shoot and it started with a tour round to see where the action was. Most fields were devoid of any avian activity at all! The flight lines were were slow but there was some activity so I set-up with the wind and sun behind me and waited. Ten mins in and one shot, one bird in the bag. Then for the next three hours I had a very slow feed of ones or twos but just nothing close and those that came in close I just could not hit them. The last three sessions on the clays I had no issues but I could just not hit these dam birds. Between the rare sightings of birds I replayed each shot and I was under, over, in front and behind..... each time different.


Then it dawned on me - I was focussing so much on the orange bead at the end of the gun and not on the bird...... Next one in and I just focused on the bird, where it was going and down she came. Five more later and five more on the deck......... Sadly thaty five took three hours to come in.....


Can not wait and get a little more consistency ...... But six down......

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