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Free pigeon shooting.Friday March 21st.

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Friday March 21st if anyone fancies a day out.

Driffield area some pigeons about.

Not guaranteeing anything will be shot.

PM me if anyone wants a day out but with no guarantees of pigeons.
Must have sgc and insurance and bring them with you.
A bit of information about yourself would be appreciated.
Just what you think is relevant to shooting I don`t want bank details.

This is a once only invite and does not mean you have permission to shoot at any other time.


If i reply to a pm and do not get a fairly prompt reply to my pm i will offer to someone else.

I am not taking anyone who has no posts to their name on pw so don`t pm.

If you say you are coming and change your mind because you say you have to work, your wife died or give any other excuse messing me about you will not be asked by me again.

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Sound like a great day out but sadly to far to travel for just 1 day


Is cpsa relative insurance for a day like this or does it have to be basc only


Does not have to be basc only although i am a member myself.Preferably from a shooting or country sports organisation as long as it covers you for public liability.

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