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Farm walk round this evening


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Decided to have a walk round the farm this evening, the plan was to have a shot at some rooks etc on the pig land but pigs were being moved so not much about there. Decided to have a walk round instead, saw a squirrel drey in a fir tree so gave it a barrel, 3 squirrel jumped out and made off in all directions but managed to catch up with them all! On the way back to the farm walking along a thick hawthorn hedge 2 young magpies flopped out which I managed to kill with 2 fast shots, stood in hedge for 5 mins or so and managed to get 1of the adults I must admit I missed with the 1st shot! I noticed a good brood of long tailed and great tits on the way back to the car, good to see them doing well even tho the weather isn't that great I hope there going to be ok! Did try upload a picture of the bag but wouldn't let me for some reason! File to big! Richard.

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