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Urika 2


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After the years of banging many many cartridges through my U2 last year i had the gun Ceracoated. very nice job done over in hereford but as i was putting it all back together i noticed a few worn parts that i ended up replacing. all parts ordered from Italy but it was 6 weeks for some of the bits.


One Tuesday i stripped a mate S687 and found a broken hammer. after a few phone calls i found some places to be a little on the stupid side with the price.


A bit of an internet search i came across Eshop.Beretta.

21euro for a new hammer and then 12e for postage.


after a bit of a look on the Beretta site i found the 3 springs for the U2. mag, recoil and ejector. plus 2 stock spacers. add the delivery and i ended up spending 66euro. still cheaper than the local shops for just the hammer, so it was like having the extras for free. plus it turned up this morning at 9:45


anyway the photos are showing how the springs had changed from what the new ones were like.


Recoil springs, top spring is the new one. 2.80euro



Mag springs. short one is the new one. 5euro



Ejector spring. top is the new one. 2.80euro



i have just added 1.5" to the stock as well.


all easy to do and a job well done.




The S687 hammer was even easier. one shop told me it was smith only work and that i cant import the part. they were the most expensive on a quote as well. took 10 minutes to change and check. out and tested with cartridges after 20 or so snap cap tests.


today was a good day.


all the best


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