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Gun Insurance Reply

Pirate of Love

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The recent post had been locked, so I have started another as I wanted to reply:-



Be careful guys, some household insurance policies, even when the gun is specified, classify the gun as “Sport Equipment”.


Below is an example of the wording provided by a “household name” Insurer:-


Sports equipment

Articles used for sports activities, including sports clothes specifically designed to be used for any sports activity and belonging to you.


Cover is then given on an “All Risks basis” (covered in and away from the home) but and this is the BIG BUT then cover is restricted whilst the gun is in use:


Another example wording:-


We will pay for accidental loss of or damage to personal possessions and any other item specified in the Personal Possessions section of your schedule while that property is inside the British Isles.

But not

a) Loss of or damage to:

i) property more specifically insured by any other policy;

ii) property held or used for any business;

iii) any sports equipment while it is in use


Point iii) is the killer.


The following may sound nerdie, but please please please all check how our guns are insured as if like mine, are our pride and joys.


I am not proud to say, but I am an Insurance broker (hang my head in shame) and I did read my household insurance policy cover to cover, and did have several arguments with the provider to get the correct cover that i needed.


Also, the cheapest quote is not always the best, so do flick though those policy wordings to make sure what you are buying. We do not mind spending thousands of pounds on our guns and hundreds on shells, but despise (like me too) spending a little more on insurance.


The above wording was taken from a quote I received for my last household insurance renewal. When reviewing this I was really shocked at the policy that was being sold to me. It was a household name provider too!


Sorry to waffle on!!


Happy shooting and insurer those guns.



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