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Couple of new guns.


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Hi Russuk,


They're the standard Diamond Line guns, but mine came with a better quality stock (luck of the draw), and both guns have tapered ribs normally found on the Supersport model.


Very nice guns for the money. :good:


Sounds good, I've seen a new 28" for £550. Might have a wander down to the RFD to see how it fits. Hope to hear how yours shoots.

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Very nicely indeed! The 30" gun is a little muzzle heavy, which I prefer for clays anyway. The 28" gun is a bit more lively and would be my choice for a game gun. Trigger pulls are good too- no mistaking them for Beretta SO triggers, but they go at 5 pounds or so, with just a bit of creep. Recoil was very managable with the Hull Comp-X cartridges we put through them. The length of pull can be adjusted with the different thickness recoil pads- two are included.


Both guns are still pretty stiff, but there's only one way to cure that- shoot them! Ejection is good- hulls are thrown well clear, but not into the next county. Makes finding and disposing of empties that bit easier.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Windknot.


What's the stock length on these? I've read about the profile pad system and was wondering if all three come with it, or just one and the others are optional extras.


After having a quick gunfit while having a lesson I was told I need quite a long stock (thumb knuckle too close to my nose etc), so it'd be a bonus if one of these profile pads fit the bill.

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