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Cheap decoy bag heads-up


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I've just received my perfect decoy bag after 2 years of squeezing my decoys and net into an old army canvas haversack.


I found this cold war bag on ebay for £12.90:



I've just put a 6x10 foot army net, 10 FUDs and half a dozen shells inside and it's only half full - I could easily get a dozen birds in there too. It's super strong and waterproof so it won't leak when carrying birds back.



The straps are a little thin but it came with a separate shoulder harness too! Here's the ebay item number if anyone is after a strong mid-sized decoy bag: 272187033154


Strangely it came with an unordered cotton sleeve that has no discernible use - it looks like a wide gun sock but open at both ends and only 41" long. Any ideas what it's for?

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