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Multi metal loads.

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Yes i have with HW13 and TSS you need according to what i heard to treat such loads as the less dense shot type so if your mixing Steel and HW13 treat the load like a steel, this way your keeping pressures where they need to be with the load being of a greater volume.

A helpfull hint regarding shot size and shot type sellection and stacking, chose your shot type and size leaving the steel underneath the HW shot so ensure the size of the HW regardless of density 13 x 18 whatever is 10% denser but no more than 20% this was the info i was given by an American reloader over ten years ago, his reasons were regarding potential shot stringing, which effect is minimal anyway but is amplified with duplex loads esspecialy where different metals are involved.

if your duplexing the same metal its bigest shot on the top but with the HWs obviously this is not always the case but TSS 9s or 10s under BB or BBB steel fills out a sparse pattern with very lethal pellets at a significantly lower cost.

In cases where the case volume works against HW esspecialy TSS like in say 3.5s or tens the multi metal aproach is quite a good way of loosing volume and far better than spacers and packers which can be a compromise, and a waste of the space, Multi plexing makes use of that space and converts it into load carying rather than wading which serves no other purpose than existing to take up that space.

Duplexing of anything is it seems instantly viewed with strong dissaproval from many shooters esspecialy those in this country, but its adoption in the states and europe are treated with a far better press and you just need to look at the reviews on Environ metals Hevi metal ammo to see its not all bad.

I tend to be in the for Duplexing and multiplexing camp its not at all bad and it can be usefull and a practical way of loosing unwanted space in big volume cases .

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Guest cookoff013

I thought about doing this, but by volume.

Works out to 21grams of hw13, topped off with 10 grams of steel. That's the equivalent volume of 50/50. About the mec 5/8oz bar for both.

Apart from that I haven't even looked into it much.


I've got a small project to complete first.


But it would mean "value" or economic tungsten? Maybe?

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