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Which Rifle for Foxes


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Hello iv shot both but not to much with the 223 but done load's withh 222 it was my first cf rifle.I wanted more power but same cal & it was a 22.250 or 220 swift but the later more common so it was 22.250.Neaver looked back had this cal the longest 8yrs & plan to stick with it as it's 1 of the best .22 cf IMOH.

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I had a simalar prblem not too long back and even phone the licenseing to change application.


Is the 22-250 a better round?:good: than the .222 or .223 could not really say. in mine and my mates hand on the range about equal.


There is not many cheap rounds about for the 22-250 but the cheap ex mil rounds for .223 is utter ****. As fister says like for like a quality rounds very little in it.


Noise... well there is a bit more but with the mod on you can't really tell. will borrow the sound metter from work and find out.


does it kill foxes.... oh yes



do i regret getting a 22-250 over the other .22 c/f not at all.


does seam a little better in higher winds but the bullet weights are the same???

might just be the luck on that day

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