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Engineer required


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Hi Everyone,

I have been let down by the person who was doing some machining work on my miniature steam engine so thought would see if anyone on here would be interested in the work. 

Main job is machine two new main bearings to hold the crankshaft. These are split bronze bearings machined from castings which i already have. To give an idea of size the crankshaft through them is 1.5" diameter and overall the bearings ares 2.25" square,

The second job is machining 3/8" keyways for eccentrics and flywheel onto the crankshaft. overall the crank is 28" long. Key ways are 5.75", 1.25" and 2" long and all on one side of the crank webb.

Anyone interested please PM me and i will send over the drawings to get a price. Someone located in the East Anglia region would be ideal but happy to send the bits by carrier or i travel a lot with work.

I would be happy with a professional engineer or a competent model engineer who feels they can do they job. Timescale i would like the bits done by Mid-April.

Many thanks, Tom

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