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Oh dear, I knew I should have left it alone!!


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I am a definate powder burner but recently had reason to use an air rifle for some rats along side a stable, any how I didn't wan't to spend alot and plumped for an XS36 under lever. Zeroing seemed no problem at the sort of distance I wanted (25-35 feet) and it gets a rat sized grouping no problem, however it sounds SHOCKING! So after reading all that I could find I decided to strip it to smooth and polish the internals to quieten down, not bothered about more power just smooth. On examination a couple of burs have all but ******** the piston seal and the breech seal is wonky and gone hard, I have polished it all nicely but need a new pair of seals urgently, any idea where I can get them?:rolleyes: a replacement spring would be nice aswell.

Thanks in advance

BG1 :rolleyes:

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I would imagine parts are going to be very hard to get hold of.

Your best bet would be to find something that might be comparable, and that's going to be tough as well. Have a word with the dealer and he might be able to sort something out.


Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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