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What a hard thing to do!!!!

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Had my first day out (sat 14th) with a friend in Norfolk, Hide was set up over Barley....which this sad townie thought was corn...doh!!! sat and waited... BANG....missed...again and again...a lot harder than clays...in the end we took 19 in 4 hours....missed LOADS.... oh and me... a massive four...the hard bit? watching his gundog retrieve them...ha ha...life can only get better! :stupid:....so if anyone is selling a cheap Gatling gun.........

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19 in 4 hours - that's bloody good.




Can't stand these blokes who say that they hit 25% (or better - liars) of what they aim at. What fun is there in that?




Well I better not tell you that my average is usually 75% over a year, 85% in a good year and 60%+ in a bad year, shooting over decoys. Flight shooting is a different matter altogether if I get 40% I am very happy :stupid:.


What fun is there in that?


Quite a lot really. :stupid:

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You want to get yourself August Sporting shooter Mag. It as an artical all about Lead on Pigeons, Clays etc.


Was missing a few myself the other day, then I simply placed the barrells onto the pigeon pulled in front and fired...The little thing flew straight into the pellets and down it went..Shot a lovely Right to Left crosser, very pleased with myself



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