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Sako Quad


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Picked up my new Sako Quad .17HMR today, fitted it with Sak mod, Harris bi-pod and an MTC Viper 6-24x56.

Took it up to my permission to zero it the wind conditions were a bit blustery so not ideal, started off at 40mtrs after a couple of spotting rounds got onto the target and started putting 1/2" groups in, some of the rounds were touching, moved the target out to 100mtr and with a few minor adjustments started placing 1-1/4" groups not to bad given the wind conditions, I will take it back out when its calm and fine tune the zero then range it out. very impressed with the rifle and the small calibre, I want to change the Sak mod for something more efficient, any ideas you .17HMR owners that have tried them all??


Over all a big :( from me.

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Hi Davo,


i have tried most of the Mods on the market now :( and in my honest opinion the ASE Utra is the best - good sound moderation and cheapish price(£66.00).

The Ase is quiter than the SAK (£30.00), about the same as an A7 (£170.00), and a little louder than 1 i had specially made for my gun ( £50 - but this didnt last that long), even the wildcat ones are about the same in the noise stakes


All in all i consider the ASE Utra to be the best on the market at the moment.

others may disagree, but this is an honest opinion having tried quite a few on the market.

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