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12 gauge o/u wanted


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Hi if you can stretch to a few quid more i've got a 12g O/U Bettinsoli, game gun, 28 inch barrels, double trigger, fixed chokes (sorry cannot remember what they are but 1/4 and 3/4 rings a bell though)), ejector. The gun is in very good condition, nice tight action, ejects brilliantly, metal work has no rusting or pitting. Loads of engraving. The stock is in very good condition all except for a v. small 2 1/2 inch scratch on the butt which was done when I purchased the gun, looks like it a cabinet mark. I bought the gun from York Guns last Christmas for £215 and to be honest i've had no more than a 2 or 3 dozen carts through it. I'm after £175

I'm selling it as I'm not getting much use out of it and i'm after a hushpower.

I'm only over at York so if interested feel free to come over and have a few shots or if easier i'll come over to you. Fenn

Sorry not the best pictures




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