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Some SAS type books forsale


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Trying to free up some space on my shelves, hopefully the pictures work as they are all from Google images but are the same as the book covers unless stated, paypal and postage included:


Robert Sabbag - Smoke Screen (Hardback) £4


True adventure story about dope smugglers in 1970-80's America



Johnny 'Two Combs' Howard - Direct Action (Hardback) £4


Fictional story about SAS actions by an ex-SAS member



Chris Ryan - The Watchman (Paperback) £3


Fictional story about SAS type actions by an ex-SAS member



Chris Ryan - Zero Option (Hardback) £4


One of his early ones, a fictional story about SAS actions by an ex-SAS member



Chris Ryan - The Hitlist (Hardback) £4


Fictional story about SAS type actions by an ex-SAS member (My cover differs in that the writing in white says: 'His New Bestseller'



Chris Ryan - Stand By, Stand By (Hardback) £2


His first fiction? A fictional story about SAS actions by an ex-SAS member

This book is ex-library (Officially withdrawn) hence the price



Barry Davies - Operation Royal Blood (Paperback) £3


Fictional account of the actions surrounding the death of Princess Diana.

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