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Are the firearms department allowed to give out any information about when you applyed ,what you have and where your guns are being kept , I thought i was protected under the data protection act.



I am in foster care and my mother still has parental responcabilty over me ,and they gave out personal info about where my guns are being stored, to social services ,so i wrote them a letter saying that i was under the inpression ,that any matters conserning firearms and the firearms department are conferdential.


I mean any1 in social services can find out where my guns are being kept now and not every1 is law abiding.


Where the police in the wrong by disclosing this info (im 17) oppinions please.

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On a public forum you might want to keep some stuff under your hat.


Hope you get the answers you are looking for.


My understanding of the Data Protection Act is that it doesn't apply in matters of law enforcement etc


From the Information Commissioner's Website:


Can information about me be used, disclosed or sold without my consent?


Organisations may use information about you for purposes which are consistent with those for which they held the information in the first place.


It is not always necessary under the Data Protection Act for organisations to obtain your consent before disclosing information about you. Whether or not they need to do this will depend on the particular circumstances in which the information is being processed. Organisations should normally be open with you about how they intend to use your personal information. However, there are certain situations in which they are not required to do this, for example, where:


the disclosure is for the purposes of preventing or detecting crime, and complying with the openness requirement would be likely to prejudice those purposes; or

where the disclosure is required by law or by a court order.

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