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Sunday Larf

Browning GTS

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A new Marine Captain was assigned to an outfit in a remote post in the

African desert.

During his first inspection of the outfit, he noticed a Camel hitched up

behind the mess tent.

He asks the Sergeant why the camel is kept there.

The nervous sergeant said, "Well sir, as you know, there are 250 men here on

the post and no women. And sir, sometimes the men have "urges". That's why

we have Molly the Camel."

The Captain says, "I can't say that I condone this, but I understand about

urges", so the camel can stay."

About a month later, the Captain starts having his own "urges".

Crazy with passion, he asks the Sergeant to bring the camel to his tent.

Putting a ladder behind the camel, the Captain stands on the ladder, pulls

his pants down and has wild, insane sex with the camel.

When he's done, he asks the Sergeant, "Is that how the men do it?

No, not really, sir.....

"They usually just ride the camel into town where the girls are."

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A soldier, posted to a remote desert fort asked his sergeant if there was any chance of some nookie. The sergeant told him he had to wait until they brought the camels in. A few days later he was suddenly awakened by lots of activity and everyone shouting,"The camels are coming." He ran outside and into the desert with the rest of his unit and, catching up with the sergeant, asked how many camels there were. "About 400", he said. "400?? There are only 50 blokes in the fort, why are we running?" The sergeant replied," You don't want to get an ugly one do you?"

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