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Beech Nut Woodies


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I got a chance to do some scouting yesterday and found that the birds are still using the beeches and oaks for their food :good::lol: . I seen a few birds moving around on an area where I didnt have permission. I stopped in and asked and the farmer was spot on. He said I could shoot on the field if I come and get the crows off of his silage pit. NO PROB I told him. So I got out this morn and it was a bit nippy but nice. I put some decoys where the beech was overhanging the field along with a flapper. I didnt shoot a huge bag or anything but it was a great day to be out. It was dead still and the beech leaves were falling down all around me while I was sitting at the base of the tree. The red squirrels were out and seen a goshawk nail a starling!!!!!!!! I was a bit annoyed that it was over to be honest but the bright side is I have some pigeon for my tea tommorrow. Heres a few photos






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we have that problem with the silage pit. And the jackdaws and crows come down into the sheds. And sit on the cows head so they get lowered down into the feeder.

i cant wait for the winter :stupid::good: .

i had one michevous jackdaw, he was outside of the wooden boarding, which i was looking through, and he chased off all the lil' birds from the gap in the top of the barn, well he came in and was about 5 yards away, well you know what happened next.

I always use the air rifle unless open pit :lol::lol:

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