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List your decoying gear

benelli 1

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If I'm decoying crows ,I take the .17hmr, for the distant ones that land. :blink:


some one once told me it was illegle to carry both shotgun and firarm

i think they where pulling me let is this not the case

I think they must have been pulling your leg.

I quite often take rifle and shotgun out. Some times go lamping after I've been decoying. Or if there's no pigeon about will just go for a walk with the rifle ,to try and get a couple of rabbits.

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Sorry, but I wont comply with your request ------------------------- in the name of self preservation.


If I started to write the list, I would be tempted to put a cost at the side of each item and then add it all up.


1. I may get depressed when I realise how much wonga I have blown in the name of shooting woodies.


2. Should the list ever fall into the hands of Mrs. webber, my position and future shooting could be seriously compromised as she may seek financial reparations.



Very good :blink:

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