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Local bobby visit for FAC?


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Hi Folks,


I have almost got all the paperwork together for my FAC & Shotgun Cert. I understand the local firearms officer comes to your house for an inspection of the cabinet/position and a bit of a chat. Could anyone enlighten me on what sort of questions in general I will be asked. I dont have a criminal record or anything to be worried about its just I think the more prep work I put in before the visit the better it should go.


Any info would be great.


Many Thanks in advance.


Beds. :good:

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The FLO will ask you questions about the security of your house and where you intend to keep you guns. He will also ask you what purpose you want to own a Shotgun or Rifle. He may be interested in your current experince, i.e. have you been out with freinds, or had any clay training or maybe you have used Air Rifles in the past. He may also ask if your a member of a recognised shooting body such as the CPSA or BASC.


He may also ask you about the land you intend to shoot on.


those kinds of questions.

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The FLO will ask you questions about the security of your house and where you intend to keep you guns. He will also ask you what purpose you want to own a Shotgun or Rifle. He may be interested in your current experince, i.e. have you been out with freinds, or had any clay training or maybe you have used Air Rifles in the past. He may also ask if your a member of a recognised shooting body such as the CPSA or BASC.


He may also ask you about the land you intend to shoot on.


those kinds of questions.


Many Thanks for the info..


Nice Motor too!



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