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10th syndicate day

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Well the weather beat us for the first time all season yesterday. Everyday we have been extremely fortunate to have had good weather with no rain except yesterday.


As a result the birds stayed really tight and didn't want to leave the covers. Still we managed to see a fair few birds, some of which were extremely high over the guns. One of our syndicate decided that as it was the last day he would bring his Black Powder muzzle loader. It was quite funny on the first drive, rain peeing down, birds not willing to fly, one bird gets up and flies overhim only for him to have a hangfire which meant he missed 3-4 yards behind, with big cloud of smoke drifting across the field.


Ended the day with 16 pheasants and 1 Redleg partridge, even managed to get a samll covey of english partridge over the guns for the third week in a row. Score on that one Greys 3, Guns 0 <_<


I only had five shots all day, one at a drey whilst a back gun, and then two for two cock birds. the last two I had in tandem with our only female gun and whilst I managed to hit the bird (feathers coming out), it flew on strongly clearing the field behind and hedges.


Good day had by all though, and now only the beaters day to go next weekend.



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You had the day on a picturesque shoot. Spot on mate, and glad both you and Starlight32 came the previous week. mind you had you been there you would have seen me take a bird well in front and drop it 2 foot to my right. Now that doesnt happen every day with me and with an old Tyre iron too.


How did Siobhan get on? Say hello and thanks the help last week as I never got her number, I guess she wasn't stupid <_<She did ok, and I will pass on your wishes when I see her and HER Partner on Saturday (Beaters day) and Sunday (Duck Flight). :huh::lol:






Edited by Suffolk shooter
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