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A Top Tip For You


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I'm not sure if I have posted this before but this information may be of some use.


When I was looking for land I tried everything. I even tried advetising in the local free papers and if anything else made some good contacts. What I did find out though is that each county has a farming association and they meet regularly. I also found out that each farming association has some kind of newsletter that is sent out to all members. In fact the NFU send a publication out to farmers on a regular basis.


The good news is that this is a great way to advertise your services to the farms in your area. The cost of putting in an ad in the NFU mag is expensive. I think I was quoted almost £100. However, the local publications are alot cheaper and in some cases free to advertise in.


I found my local Farmers Union by doing a google search, I then emailed the person who controlled my region and and advert was added to their publication.


You may want to start here as the NFU will be able to put you in contact with the right people for your County.


I hope this will be of some use. If I find any further info I will add to the thread.


Some Links -


Farming Online - Contact them to advertise


Farmers Weekly - Contact them to advertise

Edited by ShaggyRS6
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