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Pigeons Galore


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My brother and i went to lincholnshire on friday to look at a tractor,we flew from belfast to doncaster and went to a small village near skegness to the dealers yard,about 1 1/2 hours driving.

The point of the story is i have never seen as many pigeons in my life!They were everywhere,every field of rape we passed had a load of birds in it and we passed a few newly drilled fields which had grey carpets moving over them!When we got to the tractor dealers yard it quickly became apparent that there was a very healthy flightline of birds going right over his workshop roof into a field of rape beside his yard,i was very tempted to ask if there was a gun i could use for an hour!

Being from N.ireland we are not used to seeing woodies in these numbers and so widespread,in fact the part of the province were i live is all dairy farming with very little cereals and no rape at all,but this may change in the next few years as biodiesel catches on.

Another thing that caught my eye was the size of the fields,they were enormous compared to what we have here,and i can see how decoying on large fields like that would be difficult.The dealer told us that there were two fields not far from his yard that were 200 acres each!Thats the size of a big dairy holding with us,most fields are no more than 3-5 acres here.

Anyway i must say i enjoyed seeing all those woodies and would be a bit jealous of you guys who have that sort of shooting on your doorstep.

Health to enjoy it :lol:

Edited by scallopdiver
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I was down there as well a few weeks ago and again last week, you are right I have never seen so many pigeons and there are a good number round our way. Also hares, never seen so many. Used to the odd few in a field round here but there must have been 30-40 in one field we walked through...amazing!

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