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which .22 lr


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ok so i have at last decided not to go for the HMR and start with the .22, for the rifle i have got about £200-250 to spend and i was thinking either buying a CZ sillo or 452 American any other suggestions ?


also a scope i'm not sure on the prices but if a ok scope for under £100 that would be good for a 22 im thinking 4-16 magnification but do suggest scopes and tell me what you use. i know i might be pushing it on the price side for a good scope but second hand is always an option


sak mod seems to have a reputation so thats another £30


sling i can pick up from my local gunshop im not to bothered about the super comfort ones


and bipod, i don't really want to spend loads to have a heavy chunk of metal stuck on the end of my rifle and id prefer either make something myself and pad it or by a little clip on one, any suggestions?



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There are some helpful answers to the same question on the linked thread. A search of this forum will yield a lot of good information.


I get on well with my CZ American. I've never shot the Silhouette version. You do not need a 4-16x scope on a .22. It'll be a waste. Get a good quality fixed-power scope (I bought second-hand, and never regretted it), a SAK mod, and a Butler Creek sling. I would buy a Harris bipod, but then I swap mine between various rifles when the need arises.

Edited by Baldrick
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