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What do you people suggest


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As we all know decoying over Rape this time of year is a fickle affair. :welcomeani: Those woodies can choose were they feed and there is allot of Rape growing everywhere where i shot


Question is , What can we do about it ? :yes::)


The way i see it is, and tell me if i am wrong as i am not an authority on this. But if you set up too close you spook them. so setting up at a distance on a known flight line may help, as we want the Woodies to move in over the pattern in a staggered stream over a period of time. so when we pull the trigger we do not push the flock into the next county.

So, how far, is far enough to achieve this???


I feel that when the Woodies are flocked in this way this time of year it is very difficult to get this happening, as the flock seem to move in on mass rather that small numbers. so i presume that when the flocks break up to pair up this is more of a possibility. am i right in thinking this :oops:?


what do you people think :oops:


I also thought that if all the local guns get together and organise themselves into a mass shoot stationed on each consecutive farm like we do on a roost shoot we could keep them on the move. would this be the answer :yes:



well just thinking out loud ...what are your thoughts B) :blink:

Edited by funky
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