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Migrating pigeons


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I know officaly pigeons do not migrate , but I thought the following info from the 2006 Norfolk Bird Report was interesting.


Numbers of pigeons counted in 2006 Passage on the Norfolk coast.


Hunstanton Sherringham Winterton Titchwell


Spring 13677 7129 16076 1596


Autumn 2542 2300


A total of 38478 birds noted in the spring passage and 4824 in the Autumn


I am not saying these pigeons were from abroad but they were moving up or down the coast and thus migrating within this country. But being seen moving along the coast suggests some might of been. For those of you reading the report I have lumped the numbers ( recorded on different days ) from sites close togeather. Ie Beeston Bump and Sherringham.

Edited by anser2
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