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Altering cast


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What is the best method of altering the cast on a gun? Have been advised that infra-red is the right way to go. Does anyone have any views on this and an idea of costs?


Intending to call the maker tomorrow to enquire, so I wanted to have some idea what I'm talking about.





I think that it's a fairly safe bet that the maker's response will be "take it to a gunsmith". To be quite honest that is about the only way to do it, we have all heard the tales of "a bloke in the pub" who "did it on me barby with a bit of railway line and a couple of G clamps", but if you are talking about a proper job, with a guarantee, there is no other way. The only thing that I would add, is visit a gunsmith or coach (preferably two) and get their opinions before you start to modify your pet, and ensure that this will be the answer to whatever the problem appears to be, it may save you a lot of money in the long run.

If you do it with dry heat as you describe, yes, it will bend the stock, it may also crack it, but as soon as the moisture in the atmosphere gets at it, (and that's unavoidable) it may well revert to pretty much back where it was. It really needs a damp atmosphere, usually supplied by steam, to make a permanent job, and even then there is no 100% guarantee that it will stay put.

All of this asumes that you are referring to a s/s or o/u, a semi-auto/pump/single is a lot easier, and can usually be fixed with just a wood chisel.

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