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butt shortening


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Hi guy`s I`m new to shooting and have just bought a zoli 20G.


I`m only a wee fella and I feel when bringing the gun up to my shoulder It sometimes hit`s.


Is It possible to have the butt shortened?


Who would I go to for this to be done?



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shortening the butt would mean the recoil pad would no longer fit so would have to have a custom fit pad, but if the gun dosen't fit then best see a competent gunsmith to assess how much to take off and the pitch of the heel/toe. any good gunshop should be able to sort it for you.

dont try to do this yourself.

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Before you decide the pull length is wrong, make sure you have taken instruction from a competent coach and are mounting and holding the gun correctly with correct stance.


The Institute of Clay Shooting Instructors ( ICSI ) ran a workshop on this and the universal agreement of the attending coaches, all very experienced and qualified instructors, was that in the majority of cases where a client came blaming the gun, most of the problems lay in their inexperience, and bad mount and technique.


Spend money on instruction, when you know enough about mount and fit, then alter the gun.


Note also, that altering the pull length changes the position your ace is on the comb, and as the comb slopes away from the gun (unless you have a monte-carlo stock), altering the pull will also alter the eye height to the rib.



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