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weatherby fox number 2 (quite graphic)


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what does it feel like to shoot for number 2?


I shot fox number 1 last saturday with a 12bore and im still buzzing from it.......


Does number 2 feel as good???


Well done Gixer :lol:


Trust me Ice, every one feels just as good, the excitement doesn't wear off :lol:

Edited by Hodmedod.one
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To be absolutly honest a part of me felt bad with the cub the other night....I know there are people reading this thinking "oh it's just a fox" but at 110 yards with 3 of them all standing there I picked the cub (and to be honest this was wrong as it should have been the vixen) I am well aware of the damage the foxes do as i also help in the rearing field but there is a part of me that doesn't like killin' young'uns......


As for number 2 I have seen this fellow a few times and he was always clever enough to either stay out of range or dissapear in the reeds and he's an older looking chap so he needed to go...just look at the teeth!


To answer the " what are you doing with him" question - again this comes back to the person doing the shooting and out of respect for quarry i always go to the animal i have shot, confirm it is dead or humanly dispatched and then I pick up the carcass and dispose of it as apposed to leaving in lying in the field (by dispose i mean i find a spot in a wood or enclosed plantation as it is less likely to be stumbled upon and cause anyone distress).....this is just my take on things, also i like to show the keeper so he is fully aware of what is shot, when and where....


Someone forgot to tell this particular fox that i had left the .22 at home and taken the .243..................






Edited by gixer1
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