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TX owners advice needed


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Need some pointers here please, I was looking at applying for FAC for rimfire of some sort but it seems an air rifle will be sufficient, (mainly small fields). The last air rifle I owned was an S400 but I don't want to go to the expense of the set up again, would of been ideal I know. I've decided on an Air Arms TX200mk3 or the HC in .177, I wanted to know how the two compare as a hunting rifle? Main question really is how quiet are they if comparing the HC version with the plenum or external silencer fitted versus the 200 with the shrouded barrel? I'm not worried about the weight of the guns, I know they are heavy. I may well have to go blind on ordering either as none of the usual suspects seem to have stock so suggesting I go and listen won't be any use :good: Quarry will be rabbits out to 20-30 yards approx.


have a good friday :oops:

Edited by ziplex
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i dont think a tx200 will be quiet at fac levels,that action will make a good whack at higher levels,and an external silencer would be better fitted than a plenum silencer.



The reason I was going for .177 and legal limit is the land I can shoot rabbit on is relatively small and as far as I know not passed for FAC, I have been thinking about applying for my FAC for a while but for the time being an air rifle at legal limit should be ample. I have read the usual .177 v .22 argument and as far as I can see .177 seems to get the nod generally. My AA S400 was in .22 and at legal limit, (just), and had ample power for rabbits at the ranges i'm happy with which was 25-30 yards max'......I don't profess to be a brilliant shot beyound that range purely down to lack of practice, but the TX is a good candidate for tuning I believe should I decide to go down that route. Thanks for the advice :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...
i dont think a tx200 will be quiet at fac levels,that action will make a good whack at higher levels,and an external silencer would be better fitted than a plenum silencer.



The reason I was going for .177 and legal limit is the land I can shoot rabbit on is relatively small and as far as I know not passed for FAC, I have been thinking about applying for my FAC for a while but for the time being an air rifle at legal limit should be ample. I have read the usual .177 v .22 argument and as far as I can see .177 seems to get the nod generally. My AA S400 was in .22 and at legal limit, (just), and had ample power for rabbits at the ranges i'm happy with which was 25-30 yards max'......I don't profess to be a brilliant shot beyound that range purely down to lack of practice, but the TX is a good candidate for tuning I believe should I decide to go down that route. Thanks for the advice :P


I had a TX200 HC and it was pretty good, but weight is an issue humping it around on a hot day. I shot a great many rabbits with it, but nothing like as many as I get with my Webley Axsor PCP. The difference in accuracy and ease of shooting is remarkable. It gives cloverleaf groups and ragged holes at 40 yards and knocks them dead in their tracks. I had a lot more success with the PCP mainly I suppose because the thing doesn't kick before the pellet is gone, so I can consistently hit them behind the ear. It doesn't kick at all of course. The thing about springers (which you probably already know, is that if you don't hold them exactly the same way every time, the POI is different. With air rifle power that can lead to wounded rabbits hopping away. You can learn this holding business, but why bother?


If you haven't already got a TX, I'd suggest you think about a PCP. They aren't all expensive. I'm thinking of selling mine since I have a CZ 425, and am thinking of getting a 17 hmr Henry Lever Action.





Edited by Evilv
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i dont think a tx200 will be quiet at fac levels,that action will make a good whack at higher levels,and an external silencer would be better fitted than a plenum silencer.



The reason I was going for .177 and legal limit is the land I can shoot rabbit on is relatively small and as far as I know not passed for FAC, I have been thinking about applying for my FAC for a while but for the time being an air rifle at legal limit should be ample. I have read the usual .177 v .22 argument and as far as I can see .177 seems to get the nod generally. My AA S400 was in .22 and at legal limit, (just), and had ample power for rabbits at the ranges i'm happy with which was 25-30 yards max'......I don't profess to be a brilliant shot beyound that range purely down to lack of practice, but the TX is a good candidate for tuning I believe should I decide to go down that route. Thanks for the advice :P


I had a TX200 HC and it was pretty good, but weight is an issue humping it around on a hot day. I shot a great many rabbits with it, but nothing like as many as I get with my Webley Axsor PCP. The difference in accuracy and ease of shooting is remarkable. It gives cloverleaf groups and ragged holes at 40 yards and knocks them dead in their tracks. I had a lot more success with the PCP mainly I suppose because the thing doesn't kick before the pellet is gone, so I can consistently hit them behind the ear. It doesn't kick at all of course. The thing about springers (which you probably already know, is that if you don't hold them exactly the same way every time, the POI is different. With air rifle power that can lead to wounded rabbits hopping away. You can learn this holding business, but why bother?


If you haven't already got a TX, I'd suggest you think about a PCP. They aren't all expensive. I'm thinking of selling mine since I have a CZ 425, and am thinking of getting a 17 hmr Henry Lever Action.







One on way to me and should be here tomorrow.......i'm aware of the virtues of PCP....my AA S400 was very good, far better than me!, but I didn't want to go back down the charging route again mainly 'cause of the expense and the fairly minimal usage the air rifle will get. To be honest I haven't fired a springer in donkeys so i'll have to get some practice in but I expect it to be a challenge. :good:

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Ok - I'm sure you'll get on fine and I hope you enjoy it. My TX certainly put some rabbits in the pot and I expect it is still doing so with its new owner.


One thing - just make sure your hand never slips off the loading lever if you've pressed the button disabling the anti bear trap mechanism.. One red hot June day, my sweaty hand slipped and that lever came down like a man trap. It didn't hit me, but the shock wave running through the barrel did bend the silencer enough to make it clip the pellets until I straightened things out. I was glad it was the ordinary spring. I'd hate to have done that with a FAC spring in there. By the way, I pressed the button to stop a rabbit from hearing me. It was a second shot and the ratchety ratchety rat, was going to scare it away. I'd have been better off losing that shot than taking the risk I did.

Edited by Evilv
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