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Theoben .22 H-E Gas Pressure Help Please


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Can any one tell me how much pressure to put in my mates Theoben .22 H-E Air Rifle he has brought it to me as I use a bottle to charge my BSA Ultra.The rifle is about 16 years old so I can't find any info. I dont want to put to much air in and damage his gun

Thanks for any info help


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have you got the slim jim pump and hose,only way to test rifle,is to chrono it 1st,see what its puttin out,if its low on power,give it one pump of air with pump,and chrono it,will have do this everytime you pump handle,if ftlb is to high,slightly depress valve at back of gun,which will release some air,and again chrono it,any trouble,pm me.

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To cheat a little I've looked on the Weihrauch site at their HW90. That uses the gas ram system and max pressure is listed at 26 bar. I'd be very cautious of sending it up that far though, as the 90 is capable of quite some power and would certainly go well over the UK limit.


I'd say take it to a gun smith. My local shop can do it and say it's an easy job, so I doubt it's expensive. Much better to do it the safe way :angry:

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Thanks for your input.

26 bar no wonder it blxxdy dangerous to use a diving bottle. I can only say my mate asked the same question to Theoben and they would not commit themselves maybe because the the rifle is fairly old now :yes:

Thanks again


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i agree with tonyG,

theoben seem to be verry funny, bsa are like that to..

hate any one messing and would rather them fork out payin them for a service..

i got theoben brochure the other day, slim jims are around £80.

i have seen them on ebay for cheap..

chrono and slim jim and i would go the diy route as for the service cost you may as well get the slim jum.

im sure that brocock ones also fit but not to sure.

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