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Wild Boar


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This year the period that a Keiler tastes awful, and believe me they do , even the dogs won't eat it , has ended very early due to the unusually warm weather, he was fantastic and with 70 people in my garden we ate all 130 kg in an evening!!!!

Thank you also for the many kind comments, this boar was the pinnacle of my hunting career so far.

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By the way, the reason that shooting a pure wild "keiler" is rare is partly because of the high amount of young male wild boar that are shot during culling season. All young males are pushed out of the big groups of wild boar because these consist of only female adults and male and female piglets (all related to one another). When the young male boar reach adultstage and pushed out they are searching for other male groups or walk round on their own. Then they tend to visit the culling / feeding area's more or you get them during stalking because they are not as skilled and "veteran" as the leading female sow in the family group. So not many male wild boar get to an age that they are 5-10 years old.


There are commercially organised shoots in eastern europe and germany where they breed the big male ones and numbers go up. But still, shooting a keiler is something to treasure.


And as stated hunting and shooting in Germany is widely accepted in the countryside. Altough anti groups organise themselves better the last couple of years. In my country it is the worst, we have a political "animal"party in government :lol: . They are against everything related to hunting and try to ban it.

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