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The fighting in Georgia


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What would happen when the US builds its Anti missile defence system in Poland and Czech. Could this be the start of another Cold war?


we'll all be ******


Never underestimate the stupidity and simple mindedness of Bush and American hawks. They think they can interfere all along Russia's borders by recruiting nations Bush has probably barely ever heard of into NATO and installing military projects right in Russia's backyard as a sort of macho signal that they won the cold war. Sadly the cold war can spring up again now that Russia has some money and a president that isn't drunk all the time as Yeltzin was. Putin is not a nice man, and he is surrounded by even nastier ones and wounded Russian pride is likely to put more people like that into power. Bush if he had any sense would be making big moves to be friends with Russia. We can all benefit from good relations with them and are all likely to suffer if they go pear shaped. I can remember in the 1960s my parents rehearsing us kids as to what we would do when the Russians fired missiles at us. The tension over the Cuban Missile Crisis really did have the Pentagon urging Kennedy to strike first on Russia. it nearly happned and the Russians were ready with theirn own triggers to respond on the west.

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