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China faking things again

Dr W

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and with regard to the girl singing, miming a live performance is one thing miming a song that someone else recorded is another................... didn't some band do it in the eighties and get rumbled, can't remember what they were called, guys with long hair and tight trousers i think !!!!

This happens all of the time in the film industry, I just don't see why it's a such big deal because China has done it.


Well I'm bothered about Bob..... in fact I am absolutely gutted.


It is has been mentioned the UK goverment's financial committment to the games has cost every British taxpayer a 1000 quid each?


Could anyone elaborate further on that rumour?????


But the bottom line for me is I want my money's worth :yes::Pand I ain'nt having no fake firework displays or girls miming it when I've paid for a proper show :)








:lol::lol: *** mate, Chill out B)


"i aint havin no fake firework display....FOOL" ...hahahahahahaha its all gone a bit "Mr T" in here now.

The botton line is that they dont give a hoot about the brit wanting to see the games, they will fill it full of visitors and we wont get a look in unless we pay a high price for a crappy seat in the back row.

There has been a murder in China whilst the games are on, and they will be forever trying to redeem themselves. When it comes to London, we will have the best handgun team in the world, all about 16 years old, sporting the best "Gats" you have ever seen. Wonder how many murders we will have? I think other countries might send B teams, rather than risk their finest getting stabbed or gunned down.

They dont give a **** about us, face it. i wont be going, and i wont be "bigging up" the games over here.

Look at what was spent on the Dome, massivley over budget, yet we all paid for that. the stadiums wont be finished in time, we wont be able to transport people around properly, everything will be hashed together last minute.

the only people to benifit from the games will be the "Lord Coe's" of the world. all out to line their own pockets, every one of em.

You want a "FAKE" games? Ladys and Gents, i give you ...................LONDON 2012.


Olympic games? My ****! :good:



Martin already said waht I wanted to. I fear he may be right. The Chinks done good in my opinion. Hope we can.

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i missed the opening of the games, BUT. how do you fake a fireworks display. :lol::lol::lol:


i mean. they either go bang or not?:good:?


They were pre recorded on a clearer night as the smog made most of the fireworks unvisible.

I thought it was strange when a few weeks ago they had a opening ceromy practice with full firework display. It all makes sense now.

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