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Right Handed


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I get eye tests every 4 years with my Off-Shore survival/medical but today i chose to have a free eye test, Thankfully eyes are fine but i am left eye dominant. :rolleyes:

I have been struggling with my shot gun shooting this season but putting it down to my new AL391 Auto.


The Optician said i must have obviously been this way all my life as i started shooting a .410 at the age of 5 with my father and onward from there, but now i am getting older (30+ :stupid: ) My stronger eye will be taking over.


Wee bit worried about this but think i have found out what i already new.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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im in the same boat, left eye dom, right handed... raises a few eyebrows at the clays.... but i find with the shotgun, i have both eyes on the clay although the left is leading... however, with my air rifle, through the scope, i use my right eye..... this may be why im having to counter my sights by aiming slightly higher all the time.....:rolleyes: cant shoot left handed, just feels gammy....

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