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Pigeon question

hedge hunter

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Hi all iv just got myself a little Baikel s/s, what i wanted to know is have i mist the best sport pigeon wise, or is there still some decoying to be had at this time of year. Im new to all this so i know my questions sound daft lol. What sort of crop should i be looking out for as of course iv got to go permission hunting first, any tips or tricks much appritiated :look: , thanks hedge hunter

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hedge hunter ,

If you are shooting on a mixed arable farm then you should be getting decoying all the year round . Harvest is in full swing and should be over very soon .You will then be able to shoot the stubbles ,wheat and barley . The cereal harvest will be followed by the suger beet harvest and will provide shooting on the harvested beet fields . Pigeons just love chipped suger beet and it can provide a bonanza in pigeon shooting . The rape is being drilled at this moment and will provide shooting throught the winter in my area usualy starting at about christmas time right through to the harvest again in july . And of course if you are lucky on your farm you will have peas which will be drilled about march or april time .The peas are a favourite of pigeons and they will start to feed on them the day they are drilled to after they have been harvested .And of coursd you will have the winter and spring drillings of the cereals . I think that it will keep you busy all year . Best of luck Harnser .

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