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whats the min age alllowed to buy a firearm


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For non licensed fire-arms the minimum age is 18yrs. For Section 1 and section 2, the minimum is 17yrs. Certificate holders younger than 17 can have a gun gifted to them and hold it on their license (from 14 or 15yrs depending on fire-arm type) and younger than this can have a license to be in possession, but not own.


Remember, a FAC or Shotgun certificate IS NOT a certificate of ownership, it is an entitlement to be in possession of, so a gun can be sold to a party other than the one who will use it, and can be on more than one certificate as well.


There is extensive advice on exactly what age anyone needs to be to possess, acquire, or be gifted any particular type of fire-arm on most police sites. Before you engage in transaction, check out the police info on their sites, and ring your own FLO to discuss the proposed transaction. The info below is from Merseyside Police site.




Under 14 years old

Persons under the age of 14 may have firearms and ammunition in their possession provided they are only carrying them for, and under the instruction of, the owner, who is himself using them for sporting purposes. Other than this, it is an offence to give or lend a firearm to a person under 14.


From 14 to 16

You may hold a firearm certificate and be given or borrow firearms and ammunition subject to the conditions on the certificate. The person giving the firearm or ammunition must also hold a certificate.


17 and over

You may hold a firearm certificate and purchase, borrow or hire firearms and ammunition subject to the conditions on the certificate.




Under 15

Anyone under the age of 15 who has an assembled shotgun with him must be under the supervision of a person aged at least 21 unless the gun is in a securely fastened gun cover such that it cannot be fired.


There is no legal definition of “supervision†but common sense dictates that the supervisor should be close enough so they can control the actions of the person they are supervising. The Act does not require the supervisor to be a certificate holder, although this is clearly preferable.


Persons under the age of 15 may not buy or be given a shotgun but they may borrow one. Their certificate will be conditioned accordingly.


From 15 and 16

These are the minimum ages at which you may be given a shotgun but you cannot buy a gun or ammunition. Again their certificate will be conditioned accordingly.


From 17

This is the minimum age, which you can purchase, or hire a shotgun and ammunition.


Age restrictions for air weapons


18 is now the minimum age at which you may buy, hire or be given an air gun or ammunition or travel with it unaccompanied.


Under 14

A person under 14 may use an air gun under the supervision of a person aged 21 or over, on private premises with the consent of the occupier of those premises.


From 14 to 17

A person aged 14 –16 may borrow an air gun from a person aged 18 or over and use it on private property without supervision. A person aged 14 to 17 may only carry an air gun in a public place if under the supervision of someone aged 21 or over and there is a good reason for doing so.


Under 18

Anyone under the age of 18 may borrow and use an air gun for target practice as a member of an approved club, or at a shooting gallery for air guns or miniature rifles.

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