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Saturdays shoot


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I returned to a field shot last week to give it a last try. Beautiful day but much quieter. Better kills though, clean and confidencve building. I killeed 5 crows and 8 pigeons all feral but the last. 3 pigeons could not be found. 1 went into nettles and 2 sailed on, head back into an adjoining property. I have included a photo. 1st try.

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Thanks adamhall, I was well pleased because the birds were winging when shot, the previous week I had missed alot of birbs. I got out yesterday afternoon after work. The farmer was still cutting the barley so I built the hide climbed in and had a cuppa. Some other guys were lined along a hedge shooting high birds but it looked a bit forlorn. They put out 1 decoy. Heavy rain started and everyone cleared off leaving me. Small bag but some satisfying hits. 2 magpies especially pleasing: you know that jinking way they fly......I pulled throught them and was more than suprised to see them fold. Knackered last night.



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