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duck!!oops should have.

ricky green

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:good: bin out agen tonight jake and me,walked from car to field(bout400 yards)shone the lamp pair of eyes ,dam cant shoot him road behind him,lamp off,waited a minit or so lamp on the ****** had moved,bad for him good for me :) followed him around the field all the time he was presenting me with a safer shot :lol::lol: .He has stopped moving about very unsafe for him,iam on the bypod and it lights out for her,at 92 paces never even heard the bang,and 50grain Vmax done its job.walked about qaurter of a mile done a bit of calling for about 5 mins and waited a while but nothing showing ;) so decides to go to the other side of the farm, walking there shone the lamp back behind me theres another pair of eyes in the field we had just walked through,down on the pod,safe shot he is in a big dip in the field and goodnight number two,bit further this time at156 paces :good: tehn walked over the other side of the farm and seen another 3 but they were having none of it, :no: they there for next time :/



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