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Night Vision info request


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I have a monocular and it works fine however I would prefer a set of binos as I find after a short while with the mono my eyes get a bit blurred. Was looking to get the new night owl 3X nexgen




my buddy had a pair and they are very good if a tad expensive, and I was told they would be available from Deben Aug, then it was sep, now they say not before Nov and maybe even not then! They are still advertising them on their web site :good:


I will go for new as the guarantee is very important (two years) and its not the sort of money you want to part with in a hurry if it fails (and they do) I had set my heart on the night owl but maybe I have blinkers on as I have tested a pair in the field???


I have spoken with a few other retailers and its not something anyone has to view near me, when parting with the best part of 600 quid I would really like to check the thing out, or have some dam good info or recommendation.


The use will be for spotting charlies, farmer is putting me out a few high bail hides, he now has a fair bit of crop sown and when the rain comes they leave no headlands to drive round and he would prefer us not to chew up the fields in the truck on wet ground. I intend to do a few sit outs and the night vision will be very useful.


So chaps anyone have a set up and can offer me some wisdom,


ta pavman

Edited by pavman
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