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broken air gun

rogh shooter

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Hiya Bud,..First thing to do is make sure the gun is empty,... Then recock the rifle ,(when lever pulled all the way back listen for a click to see if the triger sear is being engaged) If it clicks push off the safety catch AND while still holding back the cocking underlever, try the trigger, if it releases then slowly return the lever back..IF, this dosent work, then you will have to remove the stock, check that the two adjustment screws are still in position, then adjust untill the rifle fires, The WW Record trigger dosent normally give trouble unless its badly adjusted or one of the screws has come out.Cheers, Jim. :yes:

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Yes I know its an auto safety, Dont hold the underlever all the way back as it will hold the safety on ,take it all the way back,..look to see if the safety catch moves across to safe, can you hear the sear being engaged? if so, load a pellet close the underlever then point the rifle at a good backstop and try to fire it,.. if it wont then remove the stock and adjust the trigger sear screw untill the rifle fires..Remember keep it pointed in a safe direction. Jim. :yes:..... the stock is held on by only 4 screws, Very simple, you cant even get the screws wrong really.

Edited by JK8
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Glad to be of help, But I am a little concerned that you pushed the oil/grease through the hole? and it fired. if you mean the hole in the side of the trigger ***, that is there for a visable check that the trigger sear is locking correctly,.. if you pushed the oil/grease through with a small screwdriver then you could have disengaged the sear directly, which means the trigger adjustment is out.the large screw behind the trigger is not known to become loose and is only for pull tension, If I was you I would screw in the other adjuster one full turn in, then cock the rifle again and see if the trigger works correctly, if so, try it a few times before replacing the stock. cheers. Jim.

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