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BSA meteor mk7


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Thanks for the reply,

what kind of air gun would you recomend, Spring or Gas?

Which are more guns more accurate or more powerful or a better quality gun altogether.

p.s. do you know any websites where i could trace my martini henry bayonet's history for example, the regiment it belonged to,who it belonged to and which campaign it was used in.

Thanks very much

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It depends what you want really. A spring gun is allot less expensive to start with, also you wouldnt have the trouble of pumping up a spring gun. Id say gas or pneumatics are the more accurate but having said that a good spring gun is a very versatile gun and not exactly un-accurate, will easily get 1/2'' groups at 25-30 yards with practise. The quality of the gun depends on the maker rather than if its spring or gas. good quality ones are BSA, Airarms, daystate, webley, theoben ect. The less quality ones would probably be SMK, or just about any chinese gun.


sorry no idea about the martini henry.

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Thje Martini Henry first saw service in 1871 & for about 30 years after that.

I seem to recall that their big flaw was that, after a few rounds the barrels got hot, the metal expanded & bullets stoped going down the barrel!

Also the cartrdges were easily damaged & that didn't help either in terms of reliability.

Must have seen a prog' on the telly years ago & those are the only bits of info' that stuck.

Google it? But you'd reckon your bayonet has got to be 107 to 137 years old.

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My martini henry bayonet has got ER stamped on in which stands for Edward Ragina?

who reigned turn of the century

it has got quite a few numbers on it and the war department stamped on it, but i don't know where to trace it's history

thanks very much

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Edward the VII was on the throne 1901 to 1910

Henry production runs from 1871 & for next 30 years approx

Therefor if it's marked for Edward VII it's got to be produced in or around 1901 (ish)

Too late for the Zulu wars (inc Rork'e drift)? 1879? but quite possibly seen action in the Boer war ?1899-1902?

So I reckon you can date it to the early 1900's but must be 1901 or later.

Or it could be a fake...or I could be talking b*llocks. LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a meteor as my first gun. couldn't think of a better starter gun! But its no good for hunting as its not full power and that makes hunting much harder. not that it cant be done i have had a rabbit or two with mine but getting close enough is HARD! And it could end up being quite in humane if it causes non fatal injuries!

Edited by porter
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