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Hi went ferreting yesterday with Redthunder, checked the ferrets today, as normal plastered around the ears with ticks, dabbed with frontline that will sort the ticks, got me wondering I have never caught or shot a rabbit with ticks does anyone know why this is?Are rabbits immune so to speak from their addorations?

By the way all the bunnies yesterday were reluctant ot bolt with the exception of two all had to be dug out, they seemed to think they could beat our ferrets in unarmed combat WRONG, we have noticed this sometimes and before someone asks no we did not anounce oue prescence by making a lot of noise.



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i had a rabbit the other day with a lump on its back between the shoulder blades. i just presumed this was tick but didn't really investigate it.


but your question got me thinking, i don't know what it was really and don't think i've ever noticed any ticks on rabbits before. maybe they groom each other in the warren or something??? cant see them being immune and the fur wouldn't stop ticks either.

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