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protection in the cabinet?


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Is it ok to keep my shotgun in a slip while its in the cabinet? I only have a 3 gun cabinet and as its laid on its side due to space reasons, I am worried about bashing it while I get it in and out.


Cabinet CANNOT be mounted vertically, there is simply no room to do it.


It would be a cheap slip, that would stay in the cabinet and no go out so wouldn't get wet or dirty.


Alternatively, is it ok to wrap it in a sheet or something similar? will be putting a Napier VP90 pack in the cabinet to keep the atmosphere dry too.


I'm concerned that having the gun wrapped up may cause it to get damp if the cloth it was wrapped in were to absorb moisture from the atmosphere.


cheers :good:

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Right this has got me interested now,


I've got more than a few guns and l'm now thinking along the lines of soem sort of protection inside the cabinets?


Been looking on fleebay and l think l need 6 at least! - anyone know of some going cheap?!

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