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any shooting or fox around birmingham area

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I'm looking for a fox shooter who may need hand local.

I'm willing to lamp and help out as well as drive if shooting from vehicle is what you do.


I will get insured if you require me to.

27 mature,honest,sense of humor and responsible and can travel with in distance.


Used shotgun and rim fire in the past and been shooting for many year's just seeking another experience and wanting to get involved with fox control and may be deer in the future.


currently not a holder of fac or s/c due to not having approved land and I have tried for many a year to get my own approved land with no luck at all so please don't throw comment's like knock door's and send letter's as I have and still knock same farmer's every 6 month with in 20 mile hoping one of there shooter's has fallen out.


I'm available most evening and I do have airgun's for just in case we bump into bunny's on the way.


I don't expect to go out and just be handed a rifle but i'm sure you will know as soon as we meet i'm mature enough.


Willing to meat for break fast or what not to get to know each other before considering taking me out as I understand how serious fac is.


I'm not the kind to go behind your back and try gain your permission either so do not worry about that,pluss I don't need to as I go out regularly bunny bashing with friend's "there land Is just to small for fac" nore do I want to be cheeky and ask to try for fac on there land even If it was big enough "that's just how I am".




Please pm me If you ever need a hand.


p.s. any one willing to put half's to petrol to go get approved land is more then welcome to pm me hhmm half's to petrol and a bacon butty then lol

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Just thought I would add I'm a long time user of this forum but had to re register due to change of email and forgot my password's.


So don't think I've just come on and jumped the cue if you like.


Suprised no one even want's to go half on petrol to get there own permission which I have also noticed in the past when I have posted but I'm sure if I said I had 400 achre's up coleshill I would be very popular.


funny as if some one said you want to go half's on petrol and get our own place I would jump at it.

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